Every moment I spent at RBI is something that I will forever treasure.
They’re no different to other kids. They are fun loving, makulit, and they also throw tantrums at times. I guess kids are kids, blind or not.
Before, I used to wonder if they can at least see anything even if they are totally blind. I mean could they see even a slight trace of light or a blur vision of anything or could they really not see anything at all. It was only when I met the kids at RBI that I realized how silly my questions were. I was literally and figuratively taught about so many lessons in life just by being with them and for such a short period of time. And ironically, the people I intend to “teach” have been in a very special way became my “teachers.”
There are no accidents in life.
As the last day of my practicum at RBI approaches, one question keeps on coming in my mind: can they really not see? Finally I came to the conclusion: Yes they may be blind, incapable of looking at the beauty of nature, the colors of the rainbow, the setting of the sun, or the subtle blossoming of a flower but amidst the “disability,” one thing is certain, they can see beyond the physical and ALL THEY SEE IS POSSIBILITY.
“It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
what is essential is invisible to the eye.”
-- The Little Prince; Chapter XXI