Friday, June 7, 2013

Sweet Sabado!

going to the grocery, making breakfast on weekends, brewing tea for my coteachers

and making them laugh are just some of the super many things that make my heart smile.

the simplest things. the real ones.

today is saturday. minimal errands to do :)

i got to visit my favorite herb garden in Q.C.

one thing that i really want to do more often.

awesomeness in randomness!

lezz gow!!!!!

more basil!!!

then i met with some friends and watched BM show.

im not a super fan of classical ballet or dancing in general

maybe because i really can't dance properly. i want to learn but i just simply can't.

i tried Zumba last year and it was a funny not fun experience.

i think i need more time and practice to learn things that require great kinesthetic skill.

but i appreciate dancing, contemporary or classical.

one reason would be because of the music that syncs with it.

hahaha! :)
after BM, Zyre and i found this cutesy coffee corner
along Donada St.
menu is not so pricey yet yummy.
they also have cakes.
the concept of the store's interior is minimalist.
two floors, not so big but well lit and cozy.
wall on the stairway is painted white
and decorated with super cute doodles on Sintra
(sorry, i didnt get a snapshot of it).
this wall of framed photos faces the coffee/tea bar,
cake chiller and cashier.

i miss my fairy and gabbie.

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