Saturday, July 27, 2013

The Fryer

Home alone.
Lunch at a fast food resto nearby (almost dragging myself).
Still unwell because of the sudden attack of rhinitis and cramps last night.
Salamat sa liniment.

Going back, I can vividly recall most of my experiences during my training days there.
Each station required me to take and pass the company's intensive hands-on training.
I learned to properly bread and fry to perfection the store’s famous chicken, make pancakes with standard roundness, calibrate the soda tanks, clean the sundae machine with preciseness, and of course, I'll never forget the French fries station where I got second degree burns (yes, burns. because it didn’t happen once). I also got to meet people mostly traveling from the city bound up north. Some are nice, some are mean.
It was one episode that taught me volumes. That was the time also when I had to learn how to live away from home for the first time. It was quite an adjustment. I had to also cope with the culture in the place, language and ways of the locals, and more.
In all these, I recall each moment with a smile and sing along with the company's ad tagline
that says, 
“Love ko ‘to!” 

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