Saturday, April 12, 2008

cLeARaNcE & aLLeRgY

April 11, 2008
As a final point, I had my clearance accomplished last night. Twas a terribly busy day for me. I arrived in the office at 8pm (of april 10) and finished the work past 2am (of April 11!). Under my own steam, I struggled to have it all done as quickly as possible because of two things: first, I intend not to stay for too long in the office since I might get emotional once I finally get to “officially” say goodbye to the people whom I worked, laughed and had an indelible moment of friendship with. Grrrr…il miss them.

My boss, despite of his loaded to-do list (monitoring calls from newbies, manning the floor, talking, thinking, taking supcalls, checking his mail, and the very usual-texting) wholeheartedly helped out and made my task a bit lighter. well, he may literally have done nothing as I did all the walking and waiting but his just being there made my agenda a lot easier to get done. I must also not forget the Reeses cups that I brought for the team which boss victoriously took and gobbled up like a kid. Good thing I have rescued some for E (sana lang hindi nilanggam sa locker).

Second was this bullying skin irritation I got from the bagoong I ate that afternoon. Weird because for a long time, ive got no known kind of allergies particularly on food! I sometimes get hypersensitive to subsequent exposure to strong laundry detergents but never on food. Nearly midnight when they (again) started annoying me, twas a success that I began to chill as well. I called up bestfriend athan for a jacket and asked him to fill in a glass with warm water for me to at least temporarily relieve the unpleasant coldness. He’s in the middle of a seemingly important meeting with his bosses so he had to run back in his office. Ive been to the clinic already for an anti histamine. Red patches like the ones bitten by a colony of mad bubuyog were all over my arms, and upper torso (then halfway home, they’re everywhere already).

So paano ko naman nalaman that it was really the bagoong I got the irritation from?


As I write this entry, I have technically been away from the dialer for exactly 12 days now. Glad I was able to see my closest buddies in the office from the security guards who have been dutiful enough in guarding us. hehe. Pantry staff who made my every meal quite unforgettable, despite of the food unceasingly get criticized left and right by most agents, my sisterets, chel, chawis, ruby, teammates from DareDevil and Human Torch, TMs, TLs, QCs, and all my wavemates.


My 13 months of stay there was really extraordinary. There were so many things Ive learned along the way, and so many others as well that I need to unlearn and relearn.

But in the midst of it all, my mission for tonight was accomplished…with a smile.

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